The idea is simple: the power of prayer is a strong one, and with it, we are capable of helping one another. Regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs, all prayers are welcome. So how does it work? All you have to do is email your prayer to with your prayer and we will post prayers every few days. We will also share prayers from Twitter where you can find us @EmailsforGod. This will allow for your prayer to be shared with others who will also share in your prayer. Your email address will never be posted. Your prayer can take the form of a text email, or can be sent as a file that includes image and text. All we ask is that if we share your prayer, please help pray for others whose prayers we have shared as well. Together we can build a better world and help those around us.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Kelly Jones (@KellySue_Jones) was asked to guest-write an article about a friend of hers after she submitted a prayer one day to our blog about him. It was evident to us from the start that Kelly's friendship was one of admiration, love and inspiration. And in this day when some of us struggle to get through the normal routine of our day, sometimes its a great thing to realize how blessed you are and how far you are capable of going as a human being. This is Kelly's story about her friend, Jeff...


A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself
~ Joseph Campbell

The dictionary defines a hero as a myriad of things. These things mostly have to do with mythological and legendary archetypes, leaving us with visions of dragon slaying and saving the world from the ever ensuing darkness, only to be victorious in their quest for light. Yet one definition stands out for me on the fourth line of explanation in the dictionary: An object of extreme admiration or devotion.
We all have our own definition of what a Hero is.

Part of my definition goes something like this:

he·ro - noun \ˈhir-(ˌ)ō\ 1.  a: My Father. A WWII veteran, a devoted family man and a loving soul. A man who loved and cared for his ailing wife in their home until the day she died, and who was in love with her until the day he died. 

b: My best friend Jeff. The heir of my extreme admiration.

Growing up, it was obvious to those around him that Jeff had a talent for sports. But since the age of 6 he had battled illness after illness.  In high school he played soccer and excelled in baseball. But due to his health he eventually had to give up his dream of being a professional athlete.  
At the age of 18, he was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, a disease of the colon that has characteristics of open sores lining the intestine and colon causing constant diarrhea and blood.  As his health issues progressed into a daily battle, He pursued his education at George Mason University and was awarded a national scholarship in broadcasting. Landing a job with NBC, it seemed he was able to now take his passion for sports and utilize them in broadcasting, a fulfilling career. Yet this dream would be challenged as well. Almost ten years later, and with continuous fatigue, he was hospitalized. Pounded with immunosuppressants and no food for 30 days, he went from 165 lbs to 115 lbs. The treatment failed, and Jeff had to undergo the 12 hour surgery to remove his colon if he were to survive.
While recovering from the removal of his colon and part of his intestines, as well as being given a colostomy bag, he was not getting better. He tells the story of how a priest would come to the hospital floor once a week to visit and give rites. Then, he started coming to Jeff’s room once a day. He laughs, saying “I thought maybe he just liked me”! Yet shortly after, Jeff lay alone is his hospital bed one night. He started to have a feeling that something was desperately wrong with his body. He started to get cold and as he put his hand over his heart, he could barely feel it beating. At this point, he was so weak he was not able to call out to a nurse and simply closed his eyes. When he opened them again, there were, what he describes as three transparent beings of light at the foot of his bed. One by one, they touched him saying, “It is not your time.”  Communicating with him through feelings,   their voices floated through his head without them speaking. As they continued to communicate, he looks back almost expecting them to reveal the mystery of life or a profound message from God. Instead, the next thing he remembers hearing was, “You will be going to Hollywood!” Jeff still laughs about that, pointing out that spirit does have a sense of humor!  Trying to make sense of what was occurring, more messages floated into his knowingness and he closed his eyes again.  
As he “awoke”, Doctors were standing over him. Electromagnetic monitors connected to his bare chest were telling the story of what had happened. He had experienced an electro cardio crash. His heart had stopped beating.
A few days later, he was given a book by his friend Barry. With the recent events and Jeff’s search for understanding, it seemed like the perfect moment for the book, The Celestine Prophecy. At this time Jeff was unaware of the common thread of this type of spirituality. Growing up as a devout Catholic, his spirit sought more than the average acceptance of the “Word”. Jeff wanted to know MORE.  
Upon discovering the metaphysical section at Barns and Noble he proceeded to simply run his arm along the entire top shelf of the spiritual section, letting them fall into his basket of curiosity. And like a beautiful orchestrated scene brought about by these beings of light, he came home to a postcard. It was from a friend to whom he had not spoken to in a long while. There was a picture of the Hollywood sign on the front of it. He slowly turned it over and it simply said “Moved to California and I have an extra room, if you ever want it.” He still has that postcard to this day.
Right then he made the decision.  He packed his car up and drove across country to California with a new sense of wonder. Although his health continued to be challenging, he began learning, studying and growing, making friends and even living a normal life. Although he went on to have a successful career in advertising, his basket of curiosity continued to refill itself.  He studied at Agape, listening to Rev. Michael Beckwith and attending SMU’s program in Spiritual Psychology. Until a string of events eventually lead him back to the east coast. Jeff would not be the person he is today without going to Hollywood. The beings of light pointed him in the direction of his path and guided him to the lessons that helped him live his soul’s purpose.  He learned, loved, lost and gained all to become the inspiration I know him to be.
When he returned home from Hollywood, he was again very ill.  He was then diagnosed with Severe Crohns Disease. Although now, in co-creation with his physicians, he was armed with the knowledge of how he could positively move forward.
A third diagnoses came in November of 2011.  Ankylosing Spondylitis. A.S. is a chronic inflammatory disease of the axial skeleton and joints. Immune mechanisms are thought to play a key role in the development of this disease. With most of the body’s immune system residing in the colon, and Jeff no longer having his, his body was now fighting itself in the form of his spine fusing together.
Through it all, the one constant has been his sense of humor, that and the undeniable light he shines on others. I have watched him battle the circumstances in his life all with a sense of wonder. It is easy to find peace and happiness when you are comfortable, and easy to see beauty in others when they support you. I know from many a night on the phone, how he battles the unconsciousness of the world. Choosing to fight the illusion of separation with a sword of love, that when strikes gives life, not death. However, to find these things in the dark night of the soul and unrelenting physical illness is truly remarkable. It shows a sovereign strength of spirit.
Where a lot of my admiration for Jeff stems from, is that he lives by example. Walking bravely through his challenges, he holds everyone in reverence as he speaks with the empathy of experience. He has slayed his inner dragons for the most part, and even befriended the others, yet his curiosity to grow and learn remains as if he was back in the book store that first day. With Jeff, I laugh harder that I have ever laughed with anyone else in my life. He defends my world from darkness with kind words and a simple smile that says he understands and will support me in any challenge that I may face, spiritually, mentally and physically. He is a true friend.
There is a new generation of spiritual minds that I seek inspiration from. People like Kute Blackson, Lissa Rankin, Brian Johnson and Mastin Kipp. I know their stories, read their books and follow their blogs. But my daily "check in" comes in the form of a text or a phone call from Jeff. It is the one thing I need to be reminded that we ALL have a purpose to give our gifts to the world. So when I need to be reminded of my own potential on the dark, forested paths of this journey, there is one inspiration I don't need to seek out. 

I have my hero on speed dial.


  1. Kelly, one can feel the love you possess for your friend Jeff and it truly comes from your heart. All the pain and illness Jeff has endured and to keep his sense of optimism and positive thoughts at the forefront displays courage and a belief in God that most do not carry let alone comprehend. It's not hard to see why he is your hero, and you bring him great justice and recognition here - not just as your friend but as to they type of individual Jeff is...

  2. Inspirational and beautifully written!

  3. leaves me speechless and inspired! Thanks Kelly. And Jeff.
